Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Democrats' Political Game

One of the many arguments that the democrats have been making to vote for Hillary Clinton is the recent decline in our nation's deficits. I'm not going to dive into how Clinton has essentially promised to increase these deficits. Instead, I'm going to call out the Democrats for playing an unethical political game.

What we are seeing from the Democrats in regards to the budget deficit is a tactic that they love. They try to single-handedly take credit for all of the positives while blaming the Republicans for all of the negatives.

What about all of the obstruction from the republicans in congress? The democrats have tried to ram through all sorts of bills. Many of them would increase government spending. If it weren't for the obstructionists in congress, we would not see as much of a reduction in the deficits.

Of course, it's not just what congress has prevented that matters. They have fought throughout Obama's presidency to get spending under control. They have forced discussions when dealing with the debt ceiling. They even convinced Obama to agree to across-the-board budget cuts if they couldn't agree to a better way to save money. This was known as the sequester.

Did we forget about the sequester? The democrats provided a doom-and-gloom scenario if we let the budget cut take effect. They tried to blame the republicans for all the harm the sequester would cause citizens. Now that it's election time, the democrats are trying to take full credit for money the government has saved. This includes money saved as a result of the sequester's budget cuts.

I don't want to let republicans off the hook for similar games that they play. Take a look at how they handled the Affordable Care Act. Pretty much everyone in the party agreed that the law would harm Americans. Core republicans actually fought attempts to repeal the law. They wanted it to fail on its own. Why? Because the democrats owned it. If Americans suffered as a result, it would harm the democrats and help the republicans. They simply did not care about the good of the people that they were supposed to represent.

Fortunately, there are at least some republicans who were willing to fight that horrible law that was passed partially due to bribery, legal loopholes, partisanship, and even child exploitation (more political games from the democrats). This is why a lot of republicans hate Ted Cruz. While Cruz has problems, I feel like he at least deserves praise for putting the people over his party in this particular instance.

I have serious issues with both parties, but the democrats have been more problematic from an ethical perspective. They are always playing games to get what they want. The people don't matter to them at all. What they are trying to do is maximize their party's power. They won't hesitate to show all of us their middle fingers if that's what it will take to get their way.

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