Sunday, September 11, 2016

The rules changed for Obama

When Barack Obama was elected president, all the rules changed. He has been worse for our country than Bush, but we are told that we have no right to acknowledge the negatives.

Prior to Obama's presidency, I had never heard the term, "respect the office." Now, that has become a clichéd response to criticism. Compare how the general public treated Bush to how they treated Obama.

People were far quicker to do such things as lob childish insults at Bush. Where was the respect for the office back then? I have even heard people use this respect argument when people fail to include his title along with his name. I heard Bush referred to as "W" more than as "President Bush." I never heard of anyone demanding the title.

What's even worse is when the argument about respect is used to defend policy. No other president in history could slither away from scrutiny related to job performance. If Obama's policies are so great, why can't people defend them? Why do they have to deflect with an argument about respect?

This has been compounded by our corrupt media. I have never seen the media so in love with a president. One of the very first things I saw after he was elected to his first term was an article pushing for his reelection. I have read numerous opinion pieces treated as news. They had the mainstream convinced that he ranked among our best presidents before his inauguration.

Although I don't want to bring up race, I feel I have to. It wasn't just arguments about respect that were being used to shield him deserved criticism. He also used a deck stacked with race cards. If congress doesn't give him whatever he wants, it's because they are racist. If you don't worship the ground he walks on, you are racist. Lack of a blind loyalty to the Democrats is racist. Heck, even the belief in racial equality is now considered racist.

Fear of being labeled as a racist creates additional problems. Many people are afraid to disagree with him. If they do, they will likely be labeled as racist. What this means is the race card not only impacts what people say about him, but also what they think about him. A lot of people legitimately love him simply because they don't want to be racist.

There have been several other things that have changed under Obama. I had never before heard a discussion about whether or not a politician could win a third election if allowed. I also don't recall anyone ever asking the first lady if she would like to be president (although some people tried to push Hillary when her husband was in office).

Let's face reality here. Barack Obama has become the most sheltered president in our nation's history. He has done nothing but screw up since he was elected. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to actually acknowledge what he has done to our country because the rules have changed just for him.

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