Monday, January 11, 2016

It's hard to be a Canucks fan

The Canucks don't get any love here in the states, and things have only gotten worse over the years. I have been lucky enough to have access to CBC, but even they don't show much support for Canucks fans. For years I have been trying to follow a team that is nearly impossible to actually follow.

CBC is the only way to see any Canucks games in the US. Comcast has the American television rights, and they have made it clear that they hate the team. They try to bury the team's existence. When they don't have the option to ignore the Canucks, they misrepresent the team in an attempt to manipulate viewers. All good in the Canucks organization is unreported. Everything bad is misrepresented and exaggerated.

I used to read recaps of Canucks games. I don't do that anymore. I read nothing but blatant anti-Canucks spin for the games I watched. I started relying on the comments sections to correct the biased recaps. That worked until the pawns of the media started trolling the comments sections and repeating the corrupt media's narrative as fact.

I can't trust the Internet to tell me what's going on with the team. This was my backup for my inability to find any information on television. I don't see a third option. In this so-called information age, I never know what's going on with my favorite sports team. The hockey community is making it nearly impossible to follow the Canucks.

There is some good news for the media and its pawns. They are going to get what they want. Due to changes in my life, I will have to drop cable. That means that I will no longer receive CBC. CBC allowed me to watch games on some Saturdays, and they occasionally provided information about the team during those games. It was the only source of any information that I had available. This means that I will have to stop following the team that the media is trying to keep fans from following.

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