Sunday, January 31, 2016

I am a genus

I have a sister who loves solitaire games. I enjoy them myself, but there are differences to how we play. There is one game that we both enjoy that seems like it always winnable. I usually win on my first try, but she has to keep restarting. When I asked why she never seems to win on the first effort, she countered by calling me a genus.

I like that. I hate being considered human. I not only enjoy the thought of being distanced from the species, but I really enjoy the idea that I can distance myself from the genus. Of course, I have to wonder if I can keep calling her my sister. If we are not even members of the same genus, how can we be brother and sister?

I know that it was just a slip of the tongue, but I haven't let the mistake die. She was trying to call me a genius, but came up with something better. Considering how humanity currently functions, I would much rather be a genus than a genius.

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