Sunday, July 19, 2015

Our mishandling of racism

In the past, Americans were raised to judge people based on skin color. I like to think we are past that phase in this country. It's time to move forward. This is difficult because a lot of influential people have been trying to force the public to fixate on race.

I can understand that there was a time that policies such as affirmative action could have benefits. This is because of how we were raised. We believed that it was acceptable to unfairly discriminate against races. Oversight could be used to ensure that all races had opportunity.

While there are still racists out there, most Americans now realize that it wrong to mistreat people due to race. When you have people trying to guarantee that minorities such as Blacks and Hispanics are properly represented in all aspects of life, you tell people that they have to judge an individual on their race. As long as people are not allowed to look to an individual's character, we can't progress any further in regards to race relations.

There's an unfortunate truth to racial issues. Neutrality is impossible. As long as we acknowledge different skin colors, we will maintain at least some racial bias. This is precisely why I don't like race injected into everything. When you tell people that they have to be aware of race, it becomes nearly impossible to look beyond.

I am fine with honest people taking appropriate actions against racist scum. What I'm not fine with is racially-based double standards. For example, nobody would stoop so low as to create an organization specifically to promote the advancement of white people. Such an organization would justifiably be labeled as racist. What about the NAACP? That is clearly a racist organization.

Again, I am fine with honest people taking appropriate actions against racist scum. If an organization is legitimately formed for the purpose of identifying and addressing racially-motivated mistreatment of individuals, I won't mind. Such an organization should not pick and choose which races can have their rights protected. Believe it or not, white people do occasionally see mistreatment purely based off of their skin color. It shouldn't be acceptable to act racist just because the target is white.

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