Saturday, January 25, 2014

Societal Pressure

We hear a lot about peer pressure. There’s something out there stronger. I call it societal pressure. What is societal pressure? It’s pressure from society in general. If you don’t think or believe certain things that don’t fit the mainstream, you will likely be an outcast. Fear of becoming an outcast can convince you to accept the beliefs and opinions of the mainstream.

I don’t like it when people cave to peer pressure. Drugs are an example of this, but there are a lot of others. For example, a lot of people use Facebook because their friends are on it. In all honesty, I have never heard anything legitimately positive about the website from those who use it. In this case, a lot of people use, “other kids are doing it” as an excuse. I’m not entirely sure why parents view that as an acceptable reason for “Facebooking.” Does that make it acceptable to use the excuse with drug usage?

Societal pressure is much stronger, but the specific strength can vary. For example, a lot of people view warm sunny weather because as “pleasant.” Even so, you can’t argue that it’s unacceptable to prefer cool damp weather.

Education is another example. You are supposed to view education as synonymous with schooling. If you question the value, everyone looks down on you. In a society with less control for individuals, viewing the schools as anti-educational (which it definitely is) can cause serious problems. In fact, an argument can be made that we are threatening the survival of anyone who thinks that way.

Societal pressure is peer pressure on steroids. You still shouldn’t cave in to the pressure, but it’s a little more forgivable. There are reasons that I have referred to this country as a conform-or-die nation. The problem is that it’s bad for society to cripple independent thought. That’s what societal pressure does. People live mindless lives because they don’t want to wind up on the bad side of the mindless masses. Personally, I form my own thoughts and opinions in private and act like an imbecile when in public. I want better.

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