Sunday, January 19, 2014

Drivers, you need to be responsible

Like I have already said, driving is not a god-given right. People need to realize that their cars are in fact death machines. If not handled properly, they can definitely be lethal. We need to make it more difficult to get licenses. We also need to make it easier to revoke those licenses.

Let me start by begging drivers to obey some of the laws. It would also be nice if drivers were held accountable. For example, anyone going .000001 miles an hour over the speed limit is breaking the law. Instead of demanding all drivers break the law by riding their bumpers if they aren’t speeding, we should demand that people slow down. Keep in mind that it’s not the slow drivers that cause accidents, it’s the impatient drivers behind them. Let’s encourage patience.

If the conditions are less than ideal, slow down. Remember, the speed limit is the maximum that you are allowed to go in ideal conditions. You can legally go slower. More importantly, it’s a good idea to slow down when slower speeds are safer.

Of course, it’s not just about speed. Drivers should leave enough space to stop if the car in front of them has to slam on their breaks. Tailgating is never an acceptable practice. Also, conditions can modify safe stopping distances. For example, light rain doesn’t prevent typical acceleration and deceleration in normal situations. The problem with wet roads is when you have to make a quick stop.

Other issues I have with drivers deal with courtesy towards pedestrians. Don’t resort to California stops (slowing down instead of making a complete stop at a stop sign). More importantly, use the stop line. I’m sick of drivers only slowing down after passing the stop line. If you know you can’t go, don’t block pedestrians.

Signaling is another potential issue. This isn’t just for drivers. I pay attention to signals when I’m walking. Since I can’t spend my entire life waiting for major roads to be completely clear before crossing side streets, I need to know if you’re turning. If you signal, I can make sure you see me before I cross.

Drivers also need common sense. Don’t impair yourself with alcohol. Don’t distract yourself with a cell phone. Personally, I would love it if the law came down harder on people who engage in these activities. Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or cell phones is dangerous. As someone who believes in punishing the action more than the results, I feel that those who endanger the lives of others should be given far more than a slap on the wrist. Jail time and a suspended license should result every time we see these things.

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