Thursday, December 12, 2013

Issues with Transportation

I’m sick of people acting like driving is a God-given right. Irresponsible driving can cost lives. I’m not talking about protecting you from yourself (seatbelt laws). I’m talking about irresponsible drivers killing innocent people in the cars they run into as well as bicyclist, pedestrians, and others.

Licenses should be much more difficult to obtain. Renewing licenses should also be more complicated. Cramming for a test when you first learn to drive should not be sufficient for renewal ten years later. Drivers should be expected to maintain proficiency. Licenses should also be easier to revoke due to such things as drinking and cell phone usage.

Only those who are likely to drive responsibly and can afford the frequently underestimated costs should share the roads with others. Everyone else should turn to other forms of transportation. I’m pretty sure that the public would be more supportive of public transportation if only people who are responsible enough to drive could get a license.

I would also like to see more people walking. Even if you are responsible enough for a license, you don’t have to drive everywhere. In fact, I think that it’s best for drivers to understand what pedestrians have to deal with (cars parking on sidewalks, pulling forward into crosswalks, drivers not signaling, cars turning right without looking, etc.)

I don’t want to let bicyclists and pedestrians off the hook for their mistakes, but I feel that they should be given a little slack. If these people make stupid mistakes crossing the street, do you honestly think that it would be best if they were driving a car and risking the lives of others? When pedestrians jaywalk without even looking, be grateful that they aren’t making those mistakes behind the wheel of a car.

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