Saturday, December 21, 2013

Am I a leader or follower?

Nobody likes to think of themselves as followers, but this is a label that I felt that I had to attach to myself years ago. The bottom line is that I have never embraced any sort of leadership role. That makes me a follower, doesn’t it?

A couple years ago, I reevaluated myself. Instead of judging the whole “leader or follower” on whether or not I lead, I looked at whether or not I follow. If you are new to this blog, you might want to check it out for an answer to that question. Even better, check out my education blog. I definitely do not qualify as a follower.

This is a problem with the question. Not everybody properly fits either role. Although I have never been a leader, I am certainly not a follower.

After the reevaluation, which of those two labels fits better? I honestly believe that I am far more likely to influence than be influenced. That would put me closer to the leader side of things. Unfortunately, I still hide in the shadows pretending to be a mindless sheep. I’m more of a follower right now, but I actually think that I have more potential as a leader.

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