Friday, November 22, 2013

The pledge of blind allegiance

I’m not a fan of the pledge of allegiance. At an impressionable age, this country pressures us into pledging our allegiance on a daily basis. We don’t love our country because it’s great. We don’t love our country because we love what it stands for. We love our country because our country tells us to.

We should love our country only if we believe our country is great. The pledge of allegiance is targeted at those who don’t yet know what their country is or how they feel about it. The pledge of allegiance is essentially a form of propaganda aimed at children.

The consequences of the pledge of allegiance include a blind loyalty towards the nation. If we care about our country, we have to see its faults. How else can we fix our faults? Those who care about this country’s direction will not show this blind loyalty. In fact, those who desire our best governance are at risk of ridicule coming from the mindless masses.

A lot of people want to either remove the pledge of allegiance from schools or remove “under god” due to religious concerns. Who cares about the religious implications? With or without “under god,” it is highly unethical to force the pledge of allegiance on innocent children in school.

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