Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Those Regressive Progressives

I don't like referring to Democrats as Progressives. Doing so supports the idea that they can redefine a word to convince people of something that's not true. It would be like referring to schooling as education.

Personally, I find the Democrats' policies to be regressive. This country is getting worse, and the Democrats are the ones pushing bad ideas. Don't get me wrong. I'm for change. I just want changes to be made for good.

I don't want to let Republicans off the hook. They are also regressive. The difference is that Republicans are passively regressive while the Democrats are aggressively regressive. More change has come from the Democrats than the Republicans, and this country has undoubtedly been moving backwards. This is one of the reasons that I might lean towards Republican if I absolutely have to choose between the two regressive parties.

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