Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Mariners Losing Streak

Which of the following is the most noteworthy:
  • Easily setting a club record for wins and tying the major league record
  • Breaking the record for hits in a season even though it was believed to be unbreakable
  • Setting a team record for a losing streak and falling six shy of the modern major league record
If you said tying the league’s win record, you are completely wrong. When the Mariners accomplished that task in 2001, the media refused to pay any attention. How about Ichiro breaking the hits record in 2004. That is also a wrong answer. Like 2001, the American media ignored the accomplishment. This year, the Mariners finally found a way to grab the national media’s attention by losing 17 games in a row. Now that the streak is over and the media doesn’t have anything significant to hold against the Mariners, they will likely return to the same level of obscurity that we saw in 2001 and 2004.

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