Sunday, June 19, 2011

The decline of the NHL

After I first watched hockey, I immediately fell in love. The skill and work ethic were unmatched by any other sport. Since the NHL lured all the great talent from around the world, I could view it as the pinnacle of the sport’s excellence.

Before this year, I generally followed all 30 teams. I connected so much to the sport that there were concerns regarding the impact that the lockout would have on my mental health. This year, I forced myself to cut back on my hockey viewing for the sake of my mental health. Obviously, something has changed.

I actually have a lot of issues with the NHL right now. I am not about to go into depth right now. Over time, I expect to share more and more of these issues.

Before I receive too much criticism for simply being a sore loser, let me point out that I didn’t throw this together in response to the outcome of the playoffs. I committed myself to posting regardless of the outcome. The reason that I have waited for the playoffs to conclude is so that games in progress don’t impair my thought while I’m writing.

While I have calmed down since the tragic loss to the B***** B*****, I’m going to play things a little safe at first. The posts that I make in the following weeks or months will not reflect any issue that I had with the playoffs. For example, I hate the point for an overtime loss. That is a rule that is irrelevant during the playoffs.

I have a lot to say about the NHL. Don’t expect me to finish off my list of concerns overnight. In all honesty, I don’t think that I will be finished POSTING for over a year. Hopefully, I can at least have everything WRITTEN by next year’s playoffs.

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