Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mindlessness is my biggest fear.

What is the most important reason that I stay out of college? It’s my fear of mindlessness.

I want to remain mentally active, but that’s next to impossible in the modern world. You need money to survive. In order to make money, you need a job. I have yet to see any evidence that occupations other than mindless drone exist in the United States (and this problem could very well be global).

I have struggled to find a path ever since I developed the ability to see things for what they really are. With a society that insists that we are defined by our careers, it’s hard to be anything but a mindless drone. I never want to define myself by my job, but others are unwilling to accept my personality as an alternative view of who I am. I have essentially been in a panic for over a decade in fear that I will never be allowed to be anything more than another member of the mindless masses.

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