Saturday, January 1, 2011

Defining Beliefs

Who am I? I have been hiding the real me my whole life. People have been judging me based on who I am on the surface. A lot of people evaluate my personality by finding out what’s different about me and then plugging those differences into a template that all humans are supposed to match as closely as possible. As a quick warning, I should point out that this approach does not work with me. Why? It’s because I am an individual. I have really struggled with people who think they know me but don’t have a clue. In hopes of helping people see a little bit deeper, I decided to list of beliefs that define who I really am. As my first legitimate post to this blog, I thought that I should share who I am. I can’t think of a better way than to share my list of defining beliefs. 
  • Self-evaluations can always lead to improvement.
  • Mindlessness is my biggest fear.
  • It is better to be a good person than appear to be a good person.
  • Neutrality is impossible.
  • In the ideal world, no two people are alike.
  • Thought should not be restricted by words.
  • The first time is more valuable than the hundredth.
  • A common belief among all is not proof.
  • True knowledge does not exist.
  • Teaching and learning refer to the same process.
  • Happiness is the ultimate goal in life.
  • You have to be in a situation to know how you would deal with it.
  • Intelligence cannot be measured.
  • Who I am is more important than what I am.
Added since original post:
  • Those who want to learn should be allowed to do so with as little restriction as possible.
  • The present and future are more valuable than the past.
  • You should never rely on others to tell you how you prefer to do things.
  • True education is a need.
  • Nobody will ever be better at being you than you.
  • It's better to prevent problems than to wait until it's too late
  • We are all born with a natural desire to learn

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