Friday, August 2, 2024


Periodically, I need to just vent. I have decided to put together several posts for that very reason. I'm not just pushing myself to open up, but I'm actually willing to go beyond what I really think on a number of issues. This is one of these posts. Expect this to turn out as an incomprehensible irrational rant.

As I have already stated, I live a deceptively stressful lifestyle. The stress will catch up with me. It would be a miracle if I lasted another ten years. Just five years is unlikely. I can't assume that I will make it through the end of the year. It's even possible that it could be coming any day now.

More than likely, I am in my final years. A big part of my life right now is preparing for the inevitable. I can even provide examples.

Years ago, I started an IRA. This is supposed to be a retirement account, but I have a confession to make. I never intended to use this for retirement. I have always viewed it as something for my family to inherit to make their lives a little easier. Even before I opened this account, I made sure I could set up beneficiaries.

Changes to My Idea Outlet were also meant to prepare for my end of life. I wanted to document many of my ideas, but I didn't want to leave people with thoughts that were too incomplete. Although I refuse to stop developing ideas, I feel like I have reached a point where I haven't left out anything important.

I actually have another project that I have been working on, but I'm not ready to share details. In short, I have been writing something that I can leave behind when my time comes. It's a bit messy, but it's probably reached the point of usability if I view the end as imminent.

If I died tomorrow, it wouldn't be all that tragic. I feel like most (but not all) end-of-life preparation is in a fairly good spot right now. Yes, there are still things to do, but I will always be able to find things to do.

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