Monday, July 15, 2024

Human rights violations

Periodically, I need to just vent. I have decided to put together several posts for that very reason. I'm not just pushing myself to open up, but I'm actually willing to go beyond what I really think on a number of issues. This is one of these posts. Expect this to turn out as an incomprehensible irrational rant.

We hear a lot about human rights violations in foreign countries. What about the United States? We generally act as though we are above such actions. Are we really?

Actually, there might be a simple but concerning reason that we are not being called out for violating human rights. The United States has an enormous influence on both what is considered to be human rights and evaluating potential violations. In fact, the declaration of human rights promoted by the United Nations was primarily developed by and for the United States.

There are a lot of unethical antics coming from our country that are not classified as human rights violations. Personally, I would say that we are violating human rights. Take a look at our schools. The government is taking children away from their families, holding them against their will, and systematically destroying their minds. This could very well be classified as mental genocide.

Although we have normalized mental genocide, it is still a despicable act taken against children who have done no wrong. The United Nations and others go in the exact opposite direction. They insist that "compulsory education" is a human right. They have used these words to insist that the lack of mental genocide is a violation of human rights.

There are other components to the so-called land of the free regarding human rights. Our country has essentially devolved into a conform-or-die nation. I'd rather not go into too much detail about how we’re forcing mindless conformity. What I will say is that our country deserves to be called out for at least violating the rights of children. This isn't just a minor violation. Instead, we have shaped the narrative around human rights so much that we can get away with pretty much anything.

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