Friday, May 17, 2024

The other side is evil

Periodically, I need to just vent. I have decided to put together several posts for that very reason. I'm not just pushing myself to open up, but I'm actually willing to go beyond what I really think on a number of issues. This is one of these posts. Expect this to turn out as an incomprehensible irrational rant.

Is it just me, or do the two major political parties nominate the absolute worst candidates that they think have a shot at winning? Barack Obama? Hillary Clinton? Donald Trump? Joe Biden? Why would I want any of these people in a position of power?

Instead of arguing why their candidate is worth voting for, the parties instead rely on how disastrous it would be to vote for the other guy. They use fear to elect their horrible candidates. Actually, I should say fear and lies. Neither party says anything that you can trust.

Most voters pick a side and conform. Even self-described independents typically conform to the views of one of the two major parties. We generally define independent voters as voters who do not register with a party. In a sense, we act as though independence is allowing a party to dictate your views but not telling them that they own you.

There's a ton of overlap between the parties. Voters pick a side and conform to the views of politicians who don't care one bit about ethics. Both parties will do and say whatever it takes to win. Both parties actively look for ways to cheat the system for the sake of power.

The biggest thing going for the Democrats is the Republicans. Similarly, the biggest thing going for the Republicans is the Democrats. They want the other side to be as horrible as possible. For example, during Trump's presidency, numerous Democrats were rooting for the start of World War III simply because they wanted to pin the blame on Trump. When that didn't happen, they insisted that Trump almost started World War III purely on the basis that they were talking about it, and it didn't happen.

How did Trump win? There were actually multiple factors, but I want to bring up that many people seem to have forgotten. During the primaries, there were numerous reports of Democrats voting in Republican primaries. In all fairness, I have no way of establishing the legitimacy of these claims, but I never heard any arguments to counter this claim. Even if they were completely made up, which I highly doubt, this likely would have put the thought in the heads of some Democrats who wanted to tip the odds for their preferred opponent.

Trump was also against Hillary Clinton. Clinton is insanely corrupt, which was essentially proven while she was campaigning. I honestly think the only reason she got away with her actions was because the Republicans were afraid of losing her as an opponent. In this case, there were signs that both parties were trying to ensure they were facing a horrible opponent.

I should probably throw in a reminder. I hate wasting my time repeating what you can find elsewhere. My biggest issues with the Republicans are shared by numerous others, so I'm probably sounding more Republican right now that I really am.

The bottom line is that we have a two-party system, and both parties are crap. We are expected to vote for the lesser of two evils in each election. Voting for the lesser of two evils means that you are knowingly and willingly voting for evil. Admittedly, there have been times when I have voted against the greater of two evils. This happens when I either don't have another choice or the greater of two evils is far far worse. Unlike far too many, I won't outright rule out third-party candidates.

I will not want to be responsible for continuing Joe Biden's power. Similarly, I will not be responsible for giving power back to Donald Trump. These candidates are so horrible that I would much rather throw away my vote than to have my vote connected to either one of these dangerous buffoons.

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