Monday, October 18, 2021

My Idea Outlet: Educational Rights/Public Option/Parks and Recreation

A new page, Public Option/Parks and Recreation, has been added to my Educational Rights notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

As I have already stated, any attempts to develop an effective public education system should view libraries as a starting point. There are obviously deficiencies in this approach. Among the most obvious would be physical education. Libraries are clearly not set up for learning how to play sports.

In various places and in various forms, I have discussed my core views on this particular issue. The demands required by sports are substantially different than most subjects. Schools should not control sports, and neither should libraries. Most communities already have public funds going to a more suitable department for sports, and that's in the form of parks and recreation.

Any public funding of sports should go through parks and recreation. They have better resources for the development and maintenance of sporting facilities. They can better schedule the use of those facilities, which should be shared with the taxpaying community. A lot of schools have facilities that are off limits to the general public, even when not in use by students. That is an unacceptable use of taxpayer funds.

A lot of my views on sports can be found elsewhere. I am already discussing how an educational rights center could handle sports, which includes arguments in favor of sports being controlled by an outside organization. I also have a broad brainstorming project right now relating to how I would like to handle sports. Most concepts can be adapted to parks and recreation. For this reason, I shouldn't need to go into any further depth here.

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