Sunday, July 18, 2021

My Idea Outlet: Sports/Classifications and Considerations/Team Sports

A new page, Classifications and Considerations/Team Sports, has been added to my Sports notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

Most of the popular professional sports fit my definition of team sports. This type of sport includes hockey, baseball, American football, basketball, and soccer. These are sports with fairly large teams that require some form of substitutions. Games tend to be lengthier than most sports, and facilities can only accommodate a single game at any time.

For the purpose of this project, team sports will feature the most unique structure. To create a balance between consistency and the variable requirements for sports, I will frequently start with the more rigid demands of team sports and try to adapt ideas for other sports.

One item that's not likely to come up when exploring ideas for structure relates to indoor and outdoor considerations. More than any other sports type, team sports need a championship. I will likely explain my reasoning later. Cities from the Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere should be eligible to host a championship without requiring a major yearly shift in scheduling. The general guideline should be that cities in appropriate climates for outdoor games should be allowed to construct outdoor venues. Cities outside of appropriate climates should construct indoor venues. To keep things fair for the southern hemisphere, some seasonal sports should be scheduled for suitability of outdoor play in those cities.

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