Sunday, December 27, 2020

Short Stories: Fantasy IV

Sometimes, it's best to leave your comfort zone. I have decided to push myself for some creativity. I'm not a writer (as if you couldn't tell), but I have decided to push that aside to write some corny stories. The text below is from one of these stories.

The Aviairians had plans for floating outposts, but the desire for contact with the Aquanarians shifted their plans. Their ability to flight had strengthened. Along with their expansion, the ocean was within flying distance. Unfortunately, the surface was still too harsh for the Aviarians to land on the beach.

Aviarians would periodically swoop towards the water and grab anything they found floating. This material was insufficient for an outpost, but it provided the Aviarians with a means to experiment. When a floating carcass was seen, one of the Aviarians found that the carcass easily carried its weight. This was a promising advancement, and the Aviarians expanded on their approach.

Although less than ideal, the Aviarians started actively pursuing a carcass washing onto the beach as an alternative surface. They eventually found one and managed to anchor it into the beach. This gave them a reliable resting point and platform. When the tide came in, the carcass would float. This led to a breakthrough for the Aviarians. One day, a pair went to the coast together. One took a chance. It was within range of the other just in case, but it ventured out into the water. As it turned out, the Aviarians could float without assistance. They could even dive below the surface, although they were not strong swimmers.

The Aquanarians were still distant as they tried to ovoid the harsh soil. They needed deep water. It was up to the Aviarians to reach out. The Aviarians strengthened the anchor attached to the carcass to lock its position. From there, they gradually added floating material that they could skim from the water. The further out they moved, the harder it was to lock the position, but they tied floating material to rocks and threw the rocks over the side. This was sufficient to move them further out into the ocean until their objective had been reached. The water was deep enough, and contact was made.

Like the Geonarians, the Aviarians found that they had a lot in common with the Aquanarians. A common language was established, and the Aviarians had established lasting contact with their aquatic relatives. Flying out was still somewhat awkward, but they would gradually diminish this barrier. More importantly, the carcass was decaying. Work had begun on a permanent solution. It was just a matter of time.

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