Thursday, October 15, 2020

Randi Weingarten

When I view someone as a threat to society, I am more likely to pay attention to that individual. There's one person in particular that I have been paying attention to lately, Randi Weingarten. Weingarten is the president of the anti-educational American Federation of Teachers. She's also a hyperpartisan hack for the Democratic party.

If you have followed my blog, Weingarten's name should already be familiar. I previously wrote about the former civics teacher because she interpreted the First Amendment as a reason that Fox News should push an ad from her organization. When I wrote about how we shouldn't blame wildfires at a given time on climate change, I brought up Weingarten. In that case, she blamed Trump for climate change despite the fact that Trump's time as president is relatively insignificant when it comes to climate change. She has also repeatedly shared intentionally misleading liberal propaganda.

I am certainly not posting every issue that I have with Weingarten's claims, but I should at least provide some examples. Not too long ago, she Tweeted a link to an article about a conspiracy theory that claimed the Democrats were preparing violence for the outcome of the 2020 election. She put her own thoughts on her Tweet. She insisted that the article showed that Republicans were encouraging violence, which was an argument that was not in the article.
In the case of this example, it's something that I have seen far too often. The article clearly made Republicans look bad, but it wasn't bad enough. A lie was fabricated to push harder against her foe. This same concept was in full display when Trump released a memo that showed something far from the perfect phone call that he claimed, but the media still felt like they had to spread three lies to make it sound even worse.

More recently, Weingarten has been Tweeting about Kyle Rittenhouse. In particular, she has twice claimed that Rittenhouse went to Kenosha with the intent to kill.
The actions of Rittenhouse certainly sound bad, although I don't fully trust the media with this story. That said, I have yet to find a single source that backs Weingarten's narrative. If murder was indeed the purpose of Rittenhouse's decision to go to Kenosha, I would have expected liberal media sources to emphasize any evidence they have. This has not happened. Once again, it appears that a story backed a liberal narrative but didn't go far enough. Instead of simply killing people, Weingarten insists that he was planning on killing from the beginning.

Randi Weingarten's dishonesty is especially concerning considering her influence. She is the president of the second largest teachers' union. She has influence over teachers who in turn have immense influence over students.

Weingarten has stated that she wants social media to go after misinformation. Judging from her account, this is another one of her lies. If she truly wants an end to misinformation, then she wants an end to her own Twitter account. She is one of the most dishonest people that I have encountered on the internet, and the influence she has on others is disgusting.

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