Wednesday, June 3, 2020

My Idea Outlet: Educational Rights>Anti-Discrimination>Schooling-free path to the top

A new page, Anti-Discrimination>Schooling-free path to the top, has been added to my Educational Rights notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

There is nothing that can be learned in school that can't be learned elsewhere. I know that I have already mentioned this numerous times over the years, but this is important.

In a credentialist society, we slam doors shut on any individual who dares to learn outside of a schooling environment. As a result, highly capable individuals are being prohibited from making any meaningful contributions to society. Additionally, many people are sacrificing their own development in pursuit of those credentials. This means that many people are learning less just to find a path into a career.

No job should exist that requires all learning to be controlled by the schools. There should always be multiple pathways to a job. If someone can perform miracles, it makes no sense to embrace a model that prevents such an individual from taking the path best suited for his or her development.

All respectable businesses should embrace a schooling-free path to the top. Additionally, there should never be a position in any business that will cap progress for anyone who learns outside of the schools.

An educational rights organization could actively promote a schooling-free path to the top. It could work with businesses to make suggestions about how to proceed with these kinds of policies. The organization could also evaluate businesses to establish which businesses comply with educationally ethical practices such as this.

As a believer in leadership by example, I would expect an educational rights organization to comply when possible to these standards. There may have to be a token credentialed position to help establish the organization's credibility in the eyes of those who are entrenched in credentialism, but most jobs should have no such requirements. All positions within the organization should have a path to a higher position that does not require formal credentials. This should be true up to the highest position in the organization.

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