Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Short Stories - Fantasy II

Sometimes, it's best to leave your comfort zone. I have decided to push myself for some creativity. I'm not a writer (as if you couldn't tell), but I have decided to push that aside to write some corny stories. The text below is from one of these stories.

The three trinarian species followed similar evolutionary pathways. The started finding ways to build homes. They found new ways to prepare meals. Early forms of language started to emerge. They also started developing tools that would ultimately enable them to expand their ranges.

Aquanarians had a natural advantage over the aviarians and the geonarians. They could expand their range simply by improving their swimming ability. While the aviarians and geonarians were still confined to their islands, the aquanarians were traveling between islands. Eventually, this brought them to the islands utilized by the aviarians and the geonarians.

For the most part, the aviarians had been content. They had built homes in canopies free from preditation. Space was starting to become a factor, and the aviarians started wandering further from their homes in search for forested land that was suitable for expansion.

Aviarian flight became stronger, and they started creating outposts away from their canopy. They mapped out the island without finding room for expansion. Portable floating outposts were being developed as a means to find an additional island. Until these new outposts were built, they started building vertically from the canopy. This not only increased population density, but it also helped the aviarians to gain better vantage points over the ocean. Outposts were also being built vertically. Aviarians could justify flying higher between their homes and the outposts.

As the aquanarians were moving closer to the aviarian island, sightings between the two species became more common. The aviarians found the aquanarians to be different yet somehow familiar. Interested in contact, the aviarians decided to start building outposts that reached out in the ocean. The aquanarians started looking for a place to come ashore. The glass-like surface on the island made this a difficulty task. Contact was still a long way off.

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