Saturday, July 6, 2019

National socialism

Bernie Sanders has been defending his socialist views. He insisted that there are different types of socialism. He argued that Democratic socialism is an extension of FDR's New Deal. He used popularity of certain socialist policies. Then, he pointed to concerning stats with these policies in place to prove the importance of expanding on the ideas. While doing all of this, he resorted to one of the favorite tactics of the Democrats. He pushed hatred of his presumed opponent.

Sanders insisted that because Trump used tax breaks, he is engaged in corporate socialism. He then embraced another tactic of the Democrats. He compared his opponent to national socialists. Like most people, he avoided referring to those socialists as socialists.

Sanders focused on the belief that Trump is spreading hate as proof of similarities to national socialism. Yes, that is a part of national socialism, but Sanders has proven that he believes in spewing hate himself. Additionally, some people are so focused on racism and the extreme hatred of the Jews that they overlook other aspects of national socialism.

National socialists believe that capitalism is evil. They believe that big businesses in particular are responsible for a significant portion of our problems. They believe in the government controlling such things as "education" and health care. To win support of the public, they proposed guaranteed jobs.

Bernie Sanders insists that our country should not repeat the mistakes of those who followed national socialism in the past. If that's the case, Sanders would be worse for the country than Trump. This is because Sanders has far more in common with those self-identified socialists. If national socialism is wrong, then why should we support someone like Sanders?

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