Friday, January 18, 2019

My Idea Outlet: Educational Rights>Sports>Description

A new page, Sports>Description, has been added to my Educational Rights notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

Where we are expected to learn such things as math and language skills is usually the same place as where we go for the opportunity to play sports. Considering how different these things are, it is absolutely shocking just how we insist in lumping them together.

Kids should have the opportunity to develop physically active lifestyles. Due to the differences between sports and the purposes of the educational resource centers that I am proposing, I prefer to keep these separate. Unfortunately, the approach that others take might make this an unrealistic goal. Most sports opportunities are provided by schools. Taking away those opportunities could ultimately deprive children of valuable exposure to physical activity.

I will look at several ideas for how I might handle sports if I somehow could pursue my ideas regarding education. In short, I would likely start without sports, add them once I had confidence the demand was there, look for opportunities to develop leagues that address personal concerns, then spin off the concept into a separate organization.

Eventually, I intend to create a separate project based off of my ideas relating to sports. To avoid too much redundancy, I will limit what I have to say within this project. My focus here will be on issues specific to how I would want to handle sports if they had to be connected to an educational rights organization.

My Sports project can be found at:!Ar3VXpGA-24u-EtIs6wYrkvvKhRY

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