Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Modern Protests

The constitution guarantees the right to peacefully assemble. This is based off the idea that the government can't prevent the public from standing up to them. That's not what modern protests are about. We now see people protesting for the sake of protesting. They want to cause problems, and they don't always remain peaceful. To make matters worse, they are not even fighting their own causes. They are being manipulated to protest.

College students are among the most active protesters. These same people are captive audiences. Usually, their protests reflect the beliefs of their professors. These professors exploit their captive audiences to push agendas. As a result, college students turn into pawns while corrupt professors watch from home.

I am against protesters who resort to violence. Peaceful protesters... I will admit that I have some issues with them as well. They are acting as pawns, and they do deserve some of the blame to allow that kind of manipulation. That said, it's the manipulators that I really hate. It's the college professors who use their influence over students to provide an intentionally skewed narrative. This form of exploitation results in some students going to jail while the corrupt college professors cowardly hide in safety.

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